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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Weathering The Storm

Updated: May 16, 2022

I grew up in the Midwest and summertime to me means basking in the warm sunshine, admiring the wildflowers, spending days at the lake, and roasting marshmallows during a campfire at dusk as the dew sets in on the green plushy lawn. Summertime in the Midwest also means many thunderstorms and tornado threats. In my mind, its the fair tradeoff us Minnesotan's accept in favor of our vibrant springs, beautiful summers, crisp falls, and winter wonderlands.

A few years back, my four year old daughter experienced (and vividly still remembers) her first tornado warning. It was just her and I at home, my husband was away at work in another town. The sirens start sounding and I quick shout "Put on your shoes! Let's go downstairs!". For those unsure about the shoe thing, we wear shoes during the warning so if in the event there was mass destruction and debris everywhere, you would be able to walk out of the house, feet protected from any glass, debris, or other sharp objects.

My daughter and I then huddled in our lower level bathroom with our two Labrador retrievers, a security blanket, a flashlight, and my cell phone. Our internet was down, we didn't have a TV receiver to get local TV channels, and we didn't own a weather radio.

So I called my husband on speaker and he lets us know the tornado is headed our way. We braced for impact (our power goes out) and the storm swiftly passes by. No damage to the house, but trees are down in the neighborhood and some loose shingles are in the yard from our roof. Whew! Coast clear.

From that point on, my daughter was quite terrified of tornados. Why... Fear! Fear of her safety. Fear of the tornado. Fear of losing her home and toys. Fear of not understanding what was going on. Fear of the sound of sirens. Fear of having no control.

Now if we are honest, I think many of us have been in similar predicaments as my four year old. Anybody ever been fearful of your own safety? How about fearful of loosing everything - your home, your children, your marriage, your livelihood? How about anyone fearful of the unknown- where there are more questions then answers? Anyone fearful over the loss of control over a situation in your personal life, your family, your child's school, a work situation?

Truth be told, we are really good at not being honest with ourselves. I believe many of us have these fears and just chalk it up to "that's life". Some people seek help with therapy, others turn to doctors for medications, and some self medicate with food, adult beverages, crazy workout routines, or busy schedules to numb the fear.

But dear friends, that is the exact spot the enemy wants you to be in. The spirit of fear is not given to us by God, but by the enemy. The enemy seeks to psych you out and throw you off course of God's will over your life. If the enemy can get you to believe a teeny tiny little lie, that is all he needs to make you believe an even bigger one.

The beautiful thing is that our heavenly father already knows all of this! He knows our human bodies and minds are not immune to the enemy's schemes. That is why the bible exists- to help us learn God's truth over our lives. Here are just some things the bible says about fear:

"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you, “Fear not, I am the one who helps you.” - Isaiah 41:13

“I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.” - Psalm 34:4–5

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” - Psalm 27:1

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” - Luke 14:27

"So do not fear; I will provide for you and your little ones.' Thus he comforted them and spoke kindly to them." -Genesis 50:21

God's word is filled with so many promises for hope, peace, protection, and joy over our lives. The problem is... will we read the bible to learn these promises? Will we dive into the word and use it as our shield and protection from fear and ultimately the enemy? Will we combat the enemy's schemes with our father's words and truths?

In her book Prayer Warrior, Stormie Omartian says "One of the best ways to submit to God and resist the enemy is to remember what is true and what is not. It is easier to reject the enemy's lies when you know what God's truth is. The opposite of that is not knowing God's truth and believing any lie the enemy tells you. That's why you must know the word of God well".

If you are feeling anything like my then four year old: anxious, terrified, fearful, a loss of control; then I encourage you to open the bible and let God speak life and truth over you. Even if you read for just two minutes a day, those two minutes might just be the tipping point to get the enemy off your back. Or it might just be the sword, shield, or machete you need to combat whatever the enemy is trying to make you believe.

Your are strong! You are beloved! You are cherished! You are worthy! You are fearfully and wonderfully made!

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