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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Things I Want My Kids to Never Forget

Teaching has been a passion of mine as long as I can remember. I loved going to school and learning new things, then quickly trying to apply what I learned or teach it to someone else (usually playing "school" with my brother, childhood friends, or the family dog).

The smell of newly waxed school floors, the colorful brand new backpacks and sneakers, and a fresh set of new pencils and markers gets me giddy and brings a huge smile to my face everytime, even now as an adult. I'm like a kid wondering the toy isles at Christmas time when I take long strolls down the back to school isles at Target. You could say back to school shopping is a little over the top in our home.

As a teen I pursued teaching summer school through community ed programs at the ripe age of fifteen. This went on for several years and throughout college. In high school I started teaching dance classes and have pursued that with passion year after year since. I also teach adults as a learning and development manager at a software development and marketing company- helping staff and our clients learn how to use our software.

When you become a teacher, you form bonds and relationships that last a lifetime. Many of my first year preschool dancers are now young adults getting married and starting families of their own. Many of them have also gone off to be amazing doctors, nurses, teachers, architects, businesswomen, earth shakers and world changers. Sadly some have also been called home far too soon and celebrate so many milestones with us in spirit up in heaven.

As a parent and teacher, there are a few things I want my kids to never forget:

  1. You are loved beyond measure by me, my family, and God. There isn't anything you could do to un-earn my love and care. The grace extended here is unending.

  2. What God thinks of you is the only thing that matters. Don't listen to the haters, cheaters, or wannabes in this world. Follow that big heart, passion, and fire you have in your belly.

  3. You will always have what you need. Life has a way of taking care of us. We can count on having what we need. We will not always get everything we want. And that's ok- because that gives us more drive and passion to keep pressing on.

  4. Life is not a race, we should enjoy it. I promise you having the dream job, dream house, dream spouse, dream children just ain't gunna happen! We are humans and we are all flawed. Enjoy the path you are on, savor it, and remember to laugh and learn from all the detours and scenic routes we accidentally take.

  5. Always look for ways to be humble and kind. Despite what this world tells you, it's not hard to be humble and kind. Treat everyone you meet the same no matter what their role, title, or status. This world is like a play- each role has an important part no matter how many or few lines. How you treat others is a direct reflection on you and the state of your soul.

  6. Mountains were meant for climbing. You cannot expect to be handed everything in life. You will have to work at things with grit, perseverance, hope, and great determination. But sometimes God will move the mountains for you instead of asking you to climb them. Let him! And know you are blessed beyond measure.

  7. The little things are actually the big things in life. Playing with the garden hose, chasing the dog around the backyard, the bedtime conversations, time spent with close friends, enjoying the sweet taste of home grown veggies, and the feeling of pride on a job well done. These are the things life is made of and the memories you will cherish the most.

  8. You don't have to try so hard. If its meant to be, it will happen eventually. Busting your chops while leaving your good friends and family in the dust to pursue something is not worth it. Opportunities will come again if you miss one. Sometimes the timing is off and that is okay.

  9. Laughter is truly the best medicine. Be comfortable laughing at yourself, at your family, and at Gods perfect timing. We humans are all going to make mistakes. The quicker we can forgive ourselves and others the easier and more enjoyable life gets.

  10. When in doubt- ice cream always helps! You've got soft serve, fro-yo, gelato, custard, and then the good stuff- real ice cream. Life is always sweeter when you have someone to share a scoop with.

"Before you get caught on that ladder

Let me tell you what it's all about

Find you a few things that matter

That you can put a fence around

And then he laid it out

Buy dirt

Find the one you can't live without

Get a ring, let your knee hit the ground

Do what you love but call it work

And throw a little money in the plate at church

Send your prayers up and your roots down deep

And add a few limbs to your family tree

And watch their pencil marks

And the grass in the yard all grow up

'Cause the truth about it is

It all goes by real quick

You can't buy happiness

But you can buy dirt"

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