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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Still Showin’ Up!

Ever not want to do something? Like maybe you are exhausted, at your wits end, or just cannot fathom doing that one thing today?

Welcome to humanity! We humans love doing things that are entertaining, bring joy or pleasure, or provide immediate results. We live in a “you deserve it now” and also a “you only live once” culture.

But what happens when the novelty wears off? When the thought of showing up and putting in the work to accomplish your big goals seems like a drag? Maybe you have started a new diet, or a new workout plan, or have big aspirations to be an artist, or writer, or professional in your field of calling?

Truth is- those days when you do show up probably have a much bigger impact than you think! Often we tell ourselves it’s okay to skip “just one day” but then that day often turns into skipping another day, then another, and by golly a whole month has now gone by. Sound familiar?

Showing up on the days we really don’t want to are powerful. I believe they are actually more important than showing up on the easy days when we actually “want to” keep up the pace.

Author of Atomic Habits, James Clear, says “I can guarantee that if you manage to start a habit and keep sticking to it, there will be days when you feel like quitting.  When you start a business, there will be days when you don’t feel like showing up.  When you’re at the gym, there will be sets that you don’t feel like finishing.  When it’s time to write, there will be days that you don’t feel like typing.  But stepping up when it’s annoying or painful or draining to do so, that’s what makes the difference between a professional and an amateur.”

I think you and me both don’t want to be an amateur. There are aspirations we both have in this life we want to pursue with a passion and fire that is beyond basic. For me it’s being a great wife, a great mom, a great friend, a great writer, and a great person physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

This means that there are going to be days where I just don’t want to serve my spouse, play with my kids, be inconvenienced by a close friend, write a blog post, work out, work on my own baggage, or study the Bible. It’s the days I show up and do it anyways that are often then hardest and also most rewarding. Those hard days are going to be the ones that tip the scale in my favor in the long run. Those hard days are when I learn my own strength and lean into the strength of my God.

I don’t have to fear anything- the Bible tells me so! Check out Isaiah 41:10 - Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

So today, let’s do it! Let’s not let fear, or worries, or exhaustion, or any other excuses stand in the way in becoming the amazing person God designed us to be. Keep chasing your goals, keep pursuing your faith, and trust that the small things you do day after day after day are going to have an impact bigger than you could ever imagine.

“Had your heart broken?

Been there, done that

I love you and I can't give you enough of that

Get back to community that raised you up

Read Langston Hughes,

I suggest "A Raisin in the Sun"

Listen to Sam Cooke,

A change gon' come

You put the work in,

Don't worry about the praise, my love

Don't try to change the world,

Find something that you love

And do it every day

Do that for the rest of your life

And eventually, the world will change

I'll be patient, one more month”

Growing Up, by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis

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