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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

So Blessed

"Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Today marks the start of a brand new year for all of us! As the new years eve ball dropped and the fireworks began, I witnessed so many people bashing the year behind us and instead looking forward to all the changes and new beginnings this new year will bring.

As I pondered, I truly wish I could have sat beside some of these people and reminded them that although last year might not have been spectacular, it taught them something. Last year had value, merit, moments of growth, memories made, and joy experienced. That we all endured, we all gained experience, our character grew, we evolved as a person/spouse/parent/friend, and that we are all the more fortunate to have had the opportunity to live another year.

As a new year begins, I believe that we need to pause and consider all the wonderful things that happened this past year. We need to take the time to be still and see that God was in all of it- the good stuff and the not so good stuff. We need to humble ourselves and reflect on all the lovely things that did occur- no matter how small that might be.

For me some of the greatest things last year brought were living with my family as our new home was built, enjoying the summer breezes at our lake home and just staring at the sparkly lake, watching our grass grow (because having a dirt yard in Minnesota is rough with kids and a dog), hosting the neighborhood block party and getting to know all of our wonderful neighbors, my daughter having a blast all summer going on fields trips weekly as part of her school summer program, seeing some great successes and wins in both my and my husband's careers, hosting a church small group with all the snacks included, growing even deeper in my faith with my mom's group, taking writing more seriously than ever before and becoming an author, and opening our home to two beautiful kiddos who will likely become full time members of our family this summer.

Before we write off last year as "no good" and start making all the plans for this next year; we need to slow way down and honestly look at all the blessings around us. If you are having trouble focusing on the negative, maybe ask a close friend or family member their perspective on the good stuff that happened to you this year- you might be surprised just how much they recall (that maybe you couldn't).

If we can do this, we might just see that last year really wasn't all that bad. Sure, there are areas we can focus on and grow, but there are also areas where we are richly blessed and perhaps didn't even realize.

"I'm so blessed, I'm so blessed

Got this heartbeat in my chest

No, it doesn't matter about the rest

If I got You, Lord, I'm so blessed

'Cause on my best day, I'm a child of God

On my worst day, I'm a child of God

Every day is a good day

And You're the reason why"

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