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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Shuffle The Deck

In the game of life, we have to play the cards we are dealt. Too often we blame our circumstances on a bad hand or what life threw at us. When in reality we simply didn't play that hand all to that well.

Life will give us opportunities, sometimes at the most inconvenient or most annoying times. My husband and I can attest to this- be it a project, a job, a move, a house project, placement in foster care, adoption, or the loss of a loved one.

In many of those moments it would have been easy to say no, the timing is really wrong. But then again, will that opportunity ever present itself again? Will there truly ever be a "good" time for this opportunity to present itself?

Odds are, there won't ever be! If we are waiting for the prefect timing, we are going to be waiting a lifetime.

What if instead of hyper analyzing the situation, we brought it to God? What if we let him slam the door shut or keep it open? What if our father in heaven could give us ultimate peace over a situation that even our friends and family thinks is crazy?

The Bible says in Philippians 4:6 "Do not be anxious or worried about anything, but in everything [every circumstance and situation] by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, continue to make your [specific] requests known to God".

What if we actually lived this out? I'm guessing many of us would quickly learn we don't know our "specific" requests. Maybe the requests would sound more like "please take this away" or "please make this better"?

If you can relate to any of this- I'm with you! Life is crazy! Sometimes we don't know what's best and the simple prayer we have is "please let your will be done" (not my will or my way). In my own experiences, that simple prayer itself can be so effective. It's okay to not know what you want. It's okay to be confused about the hand your dealt in this game of life. And it's okay to stop clenching on that steering wheel and instead let your faith in God rise to the occasion.

I ain't going where the wild things are

I ain't going to the cigarette store

I ain't going to the cold beer bar

To check in on the Tennessee score

I'm just having me a talk with The Man

Sendin' my old soul on a search

They might judge me on this two-lane road

But little do they know, I'm going to church

I'm going to church

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