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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Seventeen Again

Updated: Feb 21, 2022

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to go back in time and be seventeen again? What would you do the exact same? Change? Do differently?

For me- I met my spouse at the ripe age of seventeen. We both worked a kid’s summer school camp by day and by night took long strolls through our favorite county parks and beaches. It was magical and I wouldn’t trade that time for the world.

But that doesn’t mean there weren’t still things I would go back and change. For myself… I would likely change how up-tight I was with grades in high school and college. I was the stereotypical straight-A kid (but not all subjects came easy and the time had to be invested for that sweet, beautiful, hard earned “A”). Turns out- I could have enjoyed myself, friends, and experiences a little more, studied a little less, and came out just the same on the other side.

Another thing I would change: my confidence. As most girls can attest- I struggled with body image a tad in my teen years. Being the type A person, I never quite felt good enough or that I had arrived or was completely comfortable. Looking back at pictures now- I wish I could tell my former self how beautiful (and sometimes smokin’ hot) I was. Rock that dance costume, those heels, and that two piece suit girl!

Lastly- I wished I had followed God a bit more in those days, instead of always taking the lead on my life, hands firmly clenched on that steering wheel, going 70mph nowhere fast.

If you are anything like me and to be seventeen again sounds fabulous to you, then let’s blow this popsicle stand and make it happen!

No really, we can get there! Although we cannot rewrite the past- we certainly can write the future. And with God by our sides- it’s going to be amazing!

If your are still feeling doubtful- can I ask you to consider why?

-Are you no longer as thin or healthy as you’d like? That we can work on together!

-Are you lacking the finances or time needed to enjoy some experiences or to take that trip you’ve been dreaming about? That can be resolved!

-Are you lacking a special someone or friend who cannot go on that trip with you? Maybe their postal address is in heaven these days? We can take them with us, watch their spirit come alive on the journey, and let them comfort us all our days.

I believe that all things are possible- we just need to let God be the North Star and guide us. If he’s in it- it will happen! The same God who split the sea, moves mountains, gives 80 year old women babies in their wombs, and raises the dead to life is still ever present today. His power is still the same today as it was then!

If he can do these BIG things- than surely he can help us and cares about “our things” too: feeling confident in that swimsuit, saving for the new house, taking the trip, writing that book, graduating college, landing that dream job, starting a family, waiting for that hunky fiancé, and the list goes on.

I want you to look deep inside yourself- are we full of excuses? Or is maybe fear driving your decisions? If so- that is the work of the enemy and he is so sneaky that way.

We know that time is limited, money is limited, our choices are limited, this life is limited. God wants to bless us, give us hope, joy, and peace on earth. He is like a papa wanting to see his grandchild smile- he would do anything (literally anything) to help you and see you smile.

So often we expect God to show up in grand gestures and bold moves. Problem with that- he also shows up in teeny tiny ways like a friend calling, a stranger paying for your meal, or little happenstances on vacations (for me- sunflowers always pop up on vacation, and I know those are heaven sent just for me).

We only see what we are expecting to see! If we aren’t expecting to see God in the every day small things- then we are truly missing out on some of the most wonderful things he has in store for us.

I challenge you to start expecting God to show up in small ways, start taking strides towards your dreams (whether that be a home, family, education, or vacation), and see what happens. He is there in it all- and if we can follow his lead- life is going to get so much sweeter each and every day!

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