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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Right On Time

It’s never too late - time is but an illusion.

Woah! What? It’s never too late? Yep, you read that right. It is truly never too late.

Too late to love? Nope!

Too late to right a wrong? Nope!

Too late to reconcile a relationship? No!

Too late to become healthier version of yourself? Never!

Too late to change your career path? Nada!

With Christ everything changes. With Christ we learn that there is an eternity and that we have our lives on this side of heaven and on the other side of heaven to literally do it all if we so choose.

As humans (moms especially) we often operate as if time is fleeting and we must do all the things, be all the things, and plan all the things. And we better do that all right now!

But we don’t have to. There is time. Sooo much time! Somewhere along the way we got mixed up in the crazy messages this world tells us - to look a certain way, live a certain lifestyle, and wear that crazy busy schedule of yours like it’s a badge of honor.

How did we get so wrapped up in focusing on this? More is not always better? In fact less might be just what we actually need?

And who wouldn’t like a little less crazy and a little more time to slow down? Perhaps spend some quality time with loved ones, sip a great cup of coffee with a friend, and enjoy the blessings God has already given us.

Your “no, not right now” to an invite or opportunity might actually be opening up another “yes” door to another invite or opportunity God has ordained for you.

I feel in my heart a season of God saying “simplify”. Simplify your stuff. Simplify your schedule. Simplify your routines. Simplify your life so that you can hear me clearer and see my blessings and witness the miracles all around.

Colossians 3:2 says “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Things like my children’s relationship with me, their dad, and God. Things like my coworkers and friends and family who could use all the prayers and grace and support I can give. Things like the children’s ministry at my church- the kiddos (future world leaders and kingdom builders) and their amazing grown-ups I invest in weekly.

When we know there is a heaven waiting for us, there can be so much peace in knowing we don’t have to literally try everything on this side of it. There is solitude in knowing that if we choose the wrong path God will get us on the right one eventually. There is hope in knowing that we don’t have to strive for perfection or waste our precious time trying to choose between plan a or plan b.

God is always right on time. He never fails. He never messes up. He never gives up. God is the epitome of love. He has plans over your life and future- now and in eternity.

“Don't worry

Just lay it down, it's not your fight

Don't worry

It'll be alright

Don't worry

He will make your heavy light

Don't worry at all, worry at all

His love is always right on time

Right on time”

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