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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Ready Or Not

Have you ever not wanted to do something? Maybe it was to start making healthier habits? Maybe it was to do the dishes yesterday (and again today)? Or maybe it was to finally clean out “that one” drawer or closet?

As human beings we all have things we don’t want to do or dread doing. Maybe it’s an inconvenience or something we find not as worthy of our time. Sometimes we even go to great lengths to actually avoid these things, rationalizing how unimportant it might be or how little of an effect the task at hand truly will have on us or the world.

But what if we looked at the other side of this coin? What if the endurance and persistence and change we are making (no matter how tedious or small) is actually going to have a big impact on the world? What if the very thing we are contemplating not doing changes someone’s life for the better today?

Heck, I have times where I wonder if my writing has an effect on those around me? But in my heart I know it does. What I believe God is building in me is something new, something positive, something that shines his light and promises on me and the people reading. If writing my thoughts and stories can affect, uplift, or encourage just one person here on Earth, then I believe it is worth doing.

The Bible promises us that:

  1. We will reap a reward for our good doings here on earth and that we should keep doing them, no matter how hard, mundane, or inconvenient they may be. “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up“ GALATIANS 6:9

  2. In all that we do, we are building endurance, good character, hope, and faith. The more persistent and steadfast we become, the more like Christ we become. “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God's love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Roman’s 5:3-5

What you do matters, whether you feel ready, qualified, or not! If you study the Bible for awhile, you’ll start to find that God doesn’t often choose the qualified to carry out his will. Oh no, often he calls the overly humble, kind, meek, broken, unchurched, outcasts, and sinners of the world.

So whether you feel ready, or not, I pray today that you know you are qualified and that what you do makes a difference in this world. Whether it’s something small like sharing a smile, holding the door for a stranger, or cleaning up after someone. Or maybe something big like running marathons for a cause, fostering children, or caring for a terminally ill family member.

It is worth it, one thousand percent! So do the dishes, clean out that drawer, share that smile, hold the door, dream big dreams, and know that you are capable of being a world changing, life altering, faith filled leader. Ready or not!

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