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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

I’m Not An Influencer

Hi! It’s me! I’m the millennial. It’s me!

Being a millennial has its perks. We are a generation that learned how to educate ourselves through so much trial and error. We didn’t have helicopter parents or a real fear of stranger danger. We knew the power in numbers and how to use the buddy system. The best technology we had was cable TV where we could watch endless hours of Rugrats, Clarissa Explains It All, and MTV that actually played music. Internet was mostly for the business world, and even they had to wait 20 minutes to "dial up". Only for someone to pick up the phone and be disconnected.

The closest thing we had to “influencers” were on the covers of J-14 magazine, American top 40 with Casey Kasem, and our mom’s Aveda Catalogs.

We didn’t know back then that an “influencer” could be a job. We were just having fun, trying to imitate each other, and making the best of life as we knew it.

Never have I thought much about being or becoming an influencer. The entire concept seems a bit Greek to me. But as I ponder more, there is a great deal of influence I have on the world around me without even knowing.

Truth is, you really never know who you might be impacting or influencing. A simple wink, smile, door hold, or compliment might just be the catalyst to turn someone’s day around.

Let’s draw two circles, one inside the other. The people on the outer circle are your coworkers, your extended family, maybe your students or athletes if you teach/coach, your neighbors, community members, etc.

Now a look at the people in your inner circles- this might be your spouse, your children, your close family members such as parents or siblings, the people you mentor or mentor you, and your best friends.

In both circles, you are an influencer! No really- what you say to these people (both negative and positive) have an impact on them. Your actions towards them and actions you take to support or encourage them also have a great impact on them.

As you start in the outer circle, your degree of influence is lessened. But as you work towards the center of the circle, your degree of influence is far greater. Your words, your actions, how you carry yourself and treat others significantly impacts your circle.

Sometimes we forget this, I’m guilty myself. Sometimes we forget that we are making a huge impact on the world just by being a kind person. Sometimes sharing our passions with others gives them a boost of inspiration to find and share their passion with others too.

Sharing our faith and loving on the people in our circles can have even a generational impact. (I was sweetly reminded of this at a dance recital this past week as my several of my

former dancers are now bringing their toddlers to dance class.)

So as millennials, like it or not, we too are  influencers! What we say and do does impact the people around us. No pressure.

But what are we going to do as influencers? Are we going to throw kindness around like confetti? Or be stingy? Are we going to share our passions with others? Or hide them for ourselves only to enjoy? Are we going to be inconvenienced and share God’s love with others? Or are we going to go in haste and waste our precious time checking off boxes on our to-do lists?

The choice is ultimately yours.

“Lost your way, lost your cool

Then you straight up lost your mind

Tried so hard to stay ahead

But you keep falling behind

Life is gonna pull you down

Make it hard to see

But a little change in your point of view

Could be just what you need

There's always a reason

To always choose joy

There's something deeper

That the world can't destroy

Smile, when you think you can't

Smile, get up and dance

Smile, there's a bigger plan

The storm only lasts for a while

So smile”

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