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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Happily Ever After

This past week my family spent some time at the most magical place ever- Disney World!

We started our vacation by surprising our girls the morning we flew out. We did our normal morning routines and after breakfast asked them if we should skip school and go to Disney World. They shouted “Yes!” but honestly didn’t believe us.

Our nine year old daughter truly thought she was being punked and couldn’t believe all the (quiet) shenanigans my husband and I had been up to the weeks prior packing and planning. Our youngest two daughters had never been to Disney- so there were lots of questions, expectations, and excitement.

My husband is a Disney Travel Agent (his side gig “fun job”) and had plans to attend a travel agent conference for two of the days we were there. While the weather didn’t completely cooperate the first three days, we found ourselves still making magical memories with our ponchos dripping and sandals soaked.

Our pool day was filled with sun showers and many snacks and slushies from the poolside tiki bar. I guess when it rains, why not go swimming and just remember to dance in the rain?!!

Our final two days were glorious, full of adventure, even more magic, food, and picture perfect weather. The joy and huge smiles on our three girls faces simply could not be captured in the photos I attempted to take.

As we watched the beautiful fireworks display on our last night, I was choked up in the moment and some tears fell down my face. My five year old was on my hip and told me: "Mommy, your eyes are leaking" and she then kissed them off my cheeks.

At the end of the fireworks the music and narrator says: “Grab ahold of your dreams and make them come true. For you are the key to unlocking your own magic. Now go. Let your dreams guide you. Reach out and find your Happily Ever After.”

Cue more waterworks (or "leaking eyes” again). Geeze Disney, you got me! My life has been a series of so many unexpected twists, turns, trials, and triumphs. There are days or seasons where we quite literally feel like we are Rocky standing on the top flight of the steps cheering in victory.

But then there are days, weeks, months where we wonder how will we ever get through this? How will we ever get past this? We have plans for our lives and they somehow get permanently altered and we cannot see the path through the forest anymore.

The fireworks display really struck a chord- the magic is already there. It’s already inside of us. We already have the key to unlock our own magic. We just need to follow our dreams and trust that they will guide us, even in the ebbs and flows of the seasons.

If you are looking for “the perfect time” to take that magical trip, or start the adoption or foster care journey, or take that next step towards a new job, career, or degree, or passion - it does not exist.

We are not guaranteed the future, only the present. It’s a gift, it’s meant to be stewarded well and enjoyed. There will never be a perfect time for anything. Life is incredibly inconvenient and unpredictable. Let’s not wait until it’s too late to have regrets.

Let’s unlock the magic in ourselves and find our happily ever afters today!

PS- if you are interested in booking a magical trip, I know a guy ;) and his services are completely free to you too! Head over to:

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