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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Habit Crusher

Updated: Jan 24, 2022

Many of us create new year's resolutions or goals the beginning of each year. Whether it be a resolution to get healthier, trying out a new hobby, reading more books, taking a special trip, or spending more quality time with your spouse or the kids. We cheerfully tell ourselves "This year will be the year that I finally <you fill in the blank>"!

So honest question- how is your resolution going? Are you crushing it? Or are you more like the 91% of the population that will not fulfill their resolution this year? You heard it- statistically speaking only 9% of us will actually fulfill our resolutions this year. I don't say this to discourage you, I simply feel compelled to tell you that there is a way to be that 9% (actually there is a way to get 37% better this year at whatever your trying to accomplish).

Intrigued? Let me introduce you to atomic habits!

If we go back to sixth grade science class "atomic" means extremely tiny or a small unit of a larger system. Think of all the "atoms" that make up a single tiny drop of water: two hydrogen (H) atoms and one oxygen (O) atom = H2O. Now let's look at the definition of the word "habit": a routine, something you practice regularly, or an automated response to a specific trigger, information, or environment.

Scientifically speaking - if we create tiny, small, daily habits (we are talking two minutes a day here) and simply got 1% better each day by completing this habit for the next 365 days, we would be 37% better by this time next year (1.01 ^ 365 = 37%). Talk about results!

Many of us create goals, do our best (or maybe even haphazardly) try and achieve them, and often do not find success. For those that do eventually find success - what happens when the goal is met? They typically stop training for their goal, resort back to their old ways, and a few short months later find themselves in the same place they started a year ago. This is why knowledge doesn't stick with cram study sessions, fad diets fail, and lottery winners waste away all their winnings.

If we simply focus on daily habits (not goals) we are going to keep making progress and even surpass our original goals. Taking this a step further- what if we got 1% better (2 minutes per day) for two years? That would be 1.01 ^ 730 = 1,427% better. AMAZING! I don't know about you, but being 1,000% better at something sounds incredible to me.

So you are curious- but you question "how do I create these habits and keep them going for the next 365 days"? Well you are in luck - my friend James Clear (ok I don't really know him, but I feel like if I did he would acknowledge me as his friend too) wrote a book called "Atomic Habits". In this book he walks not only through the psychology of goals versus habits, but also walks through how to create new habits, break bad habits, and keep yourself accountable to them in different ways.

Some of my key takeaway's from his book:

  1. Retrain your brain: instead of having a goal mindset, focus on systems or habits. For example, instead of stating a goal "I want to lose 30 pounds" this year, set a habit "I want to become a healthier person".

  2. Establish a daily behavior, location, and time for each habit. For example, to become a healthier person "I will exercise for two minutes a day, at 4pm, in my living room". Once the habit is established (roughly 66 days of success) this two minute rule can grow or change to 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 20 minutes.

  3. Use "Habit Stacking" to help you successfully complete habits. For example, "I will work out at 4pm as soon as my work day is done". The already establish habit (finishing my workday) is followed by the new habit (exercising). After so many reps of this, your brain goes into autopilot and you are automatically working out each day after work without much thought at all.

  4. Make your environment so easy and obvious for you to complete your daily habits successfully. This might look like finding your yoga mat and tennis shoes a new cozy home in your living room where you plan to workout. Or putting a water bottle right next to your computer/work desk. Or placing a bowl of fresh fruit on the kitchen table (and hiding all those tempting snack cakes or treats in the waaay back of your pantry or fridge).

  5. Use a habit tracker! Tracking all your new habits daily on a tracker (such as Habit Bull) is oh so satisfying. The momentum you build each and every day by logging your daily habits makes it really hard to miss one.

  6. Get some accountability! This means sharing the new habits you are forming with a close friend, asking them to check in on you daily/weekly on progress, and maybe even forming a pack or habit contract together (e.g. if I miss a day on this habit, I have to do 100 push ups or will come over and clean your bathroom).

If we can simply focus on creating daily habits (and toss aside all the rulebooks about goals) we will actually be able to achieve and far surpass our original goals. Tiny habits done daily = marvelous success over time!

I leave you with this: "No discipline seems enjoyable at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it" - Hebrews 12:11. We can move mountains with God by our side, friends in our court cheering us on, and tiny little habits done daily.

Are you with me? Let's go crush some habits!

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