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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

Choices Lead, Feelings Follow

Too often we make decisions based solely on a feeling. Problem is that our feelings can change faster than the weatherman can keep up with the forecast.

Feelings are momentary, can be difficult, and often jaded based on several other factors: am I actually hungry? Thirsty? Tired? Stressed? Giving myself enough grace? If we expect to achieve our life goals based on a feeling, we aren’t going to get very far.

At several times in our lives, we must learn to make choices regardless of how we personally feel. I don’t think most people feel like waking up early to workout. I don’t think most people feel like eating salads instead of pizza for lunch. I don’t think most people feel like inconveniencing themselves to help another person out.

The Bible says “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Luke 12:34).

Your heart will follow wherever your brain leads it. If you choose to love your spouse and children daily by sharing affirmations with them, your love for them will grow exponentially.

If you choose to read your Bible, do daily devotionals, and pray daily, your connection with God and his word will flood your heart and thought patterns.

If you choose to workout, eat healthy, and practice self care, the more you will grow to appreciate and desire your workouts, healthy foods, and margin for self care.

For me, I choose to be a joyful person. Many people who know me personally would guess I am naturally joyful. When in truth it is a daily choice. Daily I look for ways to be obedient to God and spread joy, be it opening a door for someone, telling people how much I appreciate them, giving complements to strangers with the cute earrings or shoes, or sharing a picture or quote with someone when it reminds me of them.

I think my husband will agree, but there are times my joy can be somewhat annoying. I often look for silver linings in even the most darkest places or experiences.

This weekend my husband was talking about how the summer is going by too fast and how he wanted a do-over. My joy filled self quickly responded with all the fun and amazing things we have already done this summer. And that our girls are truly having the time of their lives this summer. And that there is so much more summer we have yet to experience, including a family vacation, a concert, our anniversary, a wedding, several birthdays, a trip to the state fair, swim lessons, dance classes, softball games, and so many more wonderful things.

If we constantly focus on the negative things, or focus on time  “going too fast” we are going to miss out on all the wonderful things happening all around us right now.

One of my favorite authors, James Clear, says:

"Complaining about not achieving success despite working hard is like complaining about an ice cube not melting when you heated it from twenty-five to thirty-one degrees. Your work was not wasted; it is just being stored. All the action happens at thirty-two degrees."

So today let’s choose life! Let’s choose to love a little deeper, spread joy a little louder, and pray a little harder. Let’s make conscious choices to lead our lives the way God designed and trust that our feelings will eventually follow. Let’s not let negativity, the enemy’s plans, or the world tell us to be anything less than the fearfully and wonderfully made beings we were called to be.

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