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  • Writer's pictureLora Chapman

A Million Little Miracles

Have you ever received or witnessed one of God’s miracles? If you were anything like the old me, I used to think his miracles where like unicorns- mythical, vibrant, and reserved only for the “special” people. I used to think that God only performed miracles for those who were worthy, deserving, and pursuing him every waking minute they were alive.

Turns out I was dead wrong! God performs teeny tiny miracles each and every second of each and every day. We just don’t see them… because we are often going through the grind of everyday life and not paying close attention to the world and people around us.

If you look closely - you have had a front row seat to many big miracles: going to college, landing a job, renting or owning your home, marrying your spouse, the birth (or adoption) of your child, overcoming many of life’s obstacles and hurdles all along the way.

But we also have a front row seat to God’s million little miracles day in and day out. Got a heart beating? Air in your lungs? How about food to eat? Warm blankets to slumber with? Clothes to wear? Clean water running from your sink? A car to take you from point a to b? A job to support your family? Friends to encourage you? A Church to lift you up? Family to love and support you?

Many of these miracles we take for granted each and every day. We have grown so used to them “just being there” that they become so intertwined and expected in our daily lives.

But the moment just one of these things is no longer there (e.g, your car breaks down or you lose a job) all heck breaks loose. We become anxious, uneasy, tense, and maybe even start to pray to God to quickly support us and provide again.

I believe that we don’t see these little miracles because we are not really looking for them. If we don’t actively look for or expect to see God to perform tiny miracles in our daily lives, then we are never going to truly see or experience them.

We have to daily expect God to perform the miraculous in our lives (in even the smallest of ways). This might also look like an amazing nurse comforting your parent who is sick in the hospital, or a close friend supporting your family through a difficult season, or a church friend stepping out in faith and sharing a vision they had about your child in heaven, or a teacher going beyond the call of duty to help your child, or a coach or mentor gently nudging you to take that next step or keep on trying.

God’s miracles are all around us. But will we truly see them? Will we truly look for them daily? Will we acknowledge them as gifts and blessings from God?

The moment we do- it feels like we have just one the entire game of life! When we start seeing God perform in our every day lives it is powerful, humbling, exciting, hopeful, and astounding to know that God is oh so near, cares about you personally (and deeply), and that he is going to continue to bless you and love you all the days of your life.

You ready? Let’s start expecting those million little miracles today (look, listen, expect, call them out, and share them). Glory be to God!

“I've got miracles on miracles

A million little miracles

Miracles on miracles

Count your miracles

One, two, three, four, I can't even count 'em all

You broke my chains

You saved my life

You set me free

You gave me victory

Oh, I can't even count 'em all

You kept my mind, Lord

You healed my body, Jesus

Oh, I can't even count 'em all

I try and I can't keep up

'Cause every day there's a new miracle

I got breath in my lungs

I got clothes on my back

My mother would say, I got food on my table

Lord, I know that You're able

I can't even, I can't even count 'em all”

-Million Little Miracles by Elevation Worship and Maverick City

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